Author:方晔 史书文 Date:2022-11-07
Based on the amended AML and SAMR drafts, the authors offer compliance advice and analyse conditions triggering a merger filing, penalties for “gun jumping”, and other practical issues.
Author:赵烨 李想 Date:2022-11-01
Many technology license agreements include an arbitration clause. Will this clause cover all the disputes?
Author:王振翔 Date:2022-10-14
This article summarises the contents and judicial opinions from court documents across China with the hope of shedding some light on the inconsistency.
Author:赵骁 王淼 Date:2022-10-10
This article introduces new national and local regulations that protect the rights of these so-called ‘new form’ labourers.
Author:喻鑫 林英 林森 Date:2022-10-09
This article will focus on analyzing the role and nature of investigative transcripts in employee fraud cases and provide practical suggestions on the pace of interviews and the production of normative interview transcripts for investigation.
Author:方晔 史书文 Date:2022-10-08
Anti-monopoly disputes are civil cases where an operator’s monopolistic conduct leads to another’s losses, as described under article 60.1 of the Anti-Monopoly Law (AML).